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Zendross is our homeworld, our homebrew world, that is developing and building as our adventurers go along. The are three main components to this vast land, so far.

The Viridian Sea

This vast body of water is patroled by the Elvish Armada who tries to keep the peace throughout Vendross. It is home to incredible creatures, undersea empires, and hordes of pirates. It is the last refuge of the free, where those who don’t want to obey the rules run to.

Aurial – The Cursed Island

Aurial was cursed by a cadre of mages hundreds of years ago defending the island from a mad demi-mage of immense power. To stop him they cursed magic itself and caused his own magic to kill him but magic in the land remains wild, unpredictable and dangerous. Any magic may hurt or harm, or worse. Most people on this island fear magic and kill magic using folk. People who leave Aurial carry the curse with them and are hated pariahs if they are found elsewhere in Vendross.

Lillisian Empire

Stretching from the Bentmis Ice Fields of the far north to the far south of The Burned Lands, this mighty elvish empire has ruled for over 400 years. A coalition of all elven races quickly rose to dominant an entire continent. Brutally, they keep the peace and suppress any uprising, any defiance, and quickly move to erase problems from existence. Gradually, over hundreds of years, they eliminated most non-elvish priests of any power, greatly diminishing the might of clerics throughout the empire. Only mere acolytes of any religion other than elvish are allowed to keep their lives and religion going.

With teleporting shock troops, armies of high-level battle forged clerics, the elvish empire has a stranglehold on the entire continent. Though not the seas, and only loosely control the farthest reaches of the empire. It’s to these locations those who would be free, escape to. Rogues, pirates, free-creatures, and those that cannot be contained live on the edges and beyond of this empire. Constantly hunted, continually chased, and ultimately free to pursue their dreams.

Zendross map homebrew d&d


A port city on the southern coast of the Inland Sea, Miranda is a medium-sized trade town dominated …

Hii’Gren Monastery

Located at the top of the cliffs nestled into the Grenwyrm Falls is the Hii’Gren Monastery. Th…

World’s Falls

This massive set of falls drains almost all Auriel’s freshwater lakes and rivers into the forg…

Gloomfang Watchtower

This three story tower sits at the intersection of roads between Urle, Castle Horvath, and the long …

Horvath’s Castle

This stronghold was built to defend the Bridge of Blood, the only passageway between the Larkspur mo…


A small fishing village on the southern shore of Auriel, Urle is dominated by the town’s elder…

Geographical Areas

Redwater Bay

A tranquil round shallow harbour, surrounded by hills, it provides ships temporary harbour from stor…

The Inland Sea

Controlled by a vast number of warships, this waterway is rich in trade and transport, if you’…

Sea of Vows

This sea is travelled by pirates, smugglers, and worse, with most honest trade ships prefering to st…

Eternal Swamp

In the southern part of Zendross, this massive swampland is filled with fungal swamps, marshes, deso…

Velgar’s Swallow

Aptly named, this large, drifting whirlpool is the bane of a sailor’s existence around the por…

Ardrell Vale

Located on the Eastern portion of the island of Auriel, the verdent and deep Ardrell Vale is home to…

Still to come: factions and loyalties