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Ogre – the one legged legend

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $39.00.

From @mythweaverskeep on twitter.

“Grimnak was raised in the service of Hill Giant warlord, Borvak the Hungering. Grimnak made a name for himself early on as brutal warrior. His aggression got him better food and allowed him to grow larger than other ogres and bought his loyalty.
Grimnak was part of a raiding party attacking a dwarven mining camp. Ogres and giants tore past the barricades, scattering the dwarves. Grimnak swung a massive rock with a rope sending dwarves flying. The campfire embers ignited the cloth tents.
But the dwarves had hired protection. A party who owned a massive beast seemed to appear out of no where. The party of adventurers ran the ogres and giants out but Grimnak was trapped by the beast. Borvak had been the one to pull him out, not out of kindness but he had too much invested in Grimnak to let him die in the mud.
No one knew who took Grimnak’s leg. He referred to it as the beast. There was speculation it was chimera, others suggest a stone golem. On nights when Grimnak had too much ale to drink he would mutter about a demon from the shadow.
Grimack was fitted with a crude but effective peg leg, a thick, splintered thing carved from the trunk of an ancient oak. Borvak didn’t care what took his leg just so long Grimnak could keep fighting.
Since then, he refused to slow down, even when his leg aches like fire in the cold. He walks with a distinct thudding gait, his wooden leg hammering against the ground. Some mock him for it – but only once. His temper is as foul as his breath, and he does not take kindly to disrespect. His enemies know the sound of that peg leg means trouble is coming.”


He’s twitter famous! 1500+ people liked this 3-d printed and handpainted Ogre mini and demanded I put it up for sale. So here he is!

Here’s the story, I had a failed 3d resin print and his leg simply wasn’t there! Rather than toss it, I forged him a wooden leg and rescued him from oblivion. Now, Grognard the Ogre is looking for the dwarf who chopped off his leg and has a big dwarf-squishing rock always ready for the next time he meets that dwarf.

Is Grognard a pirate? What’s with the rock? Why does he hate the party? This guy has tons of character and is just beggin for an interesting story and a table of adventurers to wreak havoc upon.

More photos coming shortly.