A port city on the southern coast of the Inland Sea, Miranda is a medium-sized trade town dominated by the Elvish Empire. With a population…
Located at the top of the cliffs nestled into the Grenwyrm Falls is the Hii’Gren Monastery. This isolated retreat is home to the Faded Monks.…
A tranquil round shallow harbour, surrounded by hills, it provides ships temporary harbour from storms and freshwater from the hills. It’s also known as a…
Controlled by a vast number of warships, this waterway is rich in trade and transport, if you’re willing to pay and have the right papers.…
This sea is travelled by pirates, smugglers, and worse, with most honest trade ships prefering to stay closer to shorelines. From here, people head into…
In the southern part of Zendross, this massive swampland is filled with fungal swamps, marshes, desolate areas, scattered foliage, and dangerous creatures. Few people travel…
Aptly named, this large, drifting whirlpool is the bane of a sailor’s existence around the port town of Miranda. So named for the first ship…
This massive set of falls drains almost all Auriel’s freshwater lakes and rivers into the forgotten sea. A full hundred miles across and falling over…
Located on the Eastern portion of the island of Auriel, the verdent and deep Ardrell Vale is home to most of the island’s population of…
This three story tower sits at the intersection of roads between Urle, Castle Horvath, and the long road North to Harkle. Defended by 6 soldiers,…